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The Key to Peace

Peter Max

76 pages
Integral Yoga Publications
One of Swami Satchidananda's greatest, compact works, Key to Peace shows clearly that peace is what really matters in life and explains how to be in that peace always by not disturbing our real nature. When our supreme inner peace is undisturbed we are automatically in joy, in love, in light. Inspires us to lead a life of balance, contentment, above likes and dislikes, a life where "everything comes to you." Topics include The Forbidden Fruit, Selflessness, Use But Don't Possess, Be Always Happy, The Greatest Mantra, Just Keep Giving, Real Service, Joy is Your Reward, God's Business, Love to Serve. "If you call it a spiritual practice or service or Karma Yoga, it should give you the maximum joy. If it doesn't, it's just a selfish act."
Author Bio
Swami Satchidananda is the founder of Integral Yoga® International, Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville, and the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine. He was one of the first Yoga masters to bring the Yoga tradition to the West and he was welcomed as a truly universal spiritual teacher. The distinctive teachings he brought with him blend six branches of classical Yoga and the nondual philosophy of India, as well as the interfaith ideals he pioneered. These techniques and concepts influenced a generation and gave rise to Yoga culture that is flourishing today. There are now 20 Integral Yoga centers and thousands of Integral Yoga teachers around the globe. Integral Yoga is the foundation of Dr. Dean Ornish’s landmark work in reversing heart disease, Patricia Kerr’s Big Yoga, Sonia Sumar’s Yoga for the Special Child, and many other trailblazing programs. He is the author of Integral Yoga Hatha, To Know Your Self, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Beyond Words, The Living Gita, and The Golden Present, among other titles. He is also the subject of the documentary, Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda. He received many honors for his humanitarian service including the Juliet Hollister Interfaith Award presented at the United Nations, the U Thant Peace Award and a posthumous honor during his centenary in 2014, the James P. Morton Interfaith Award. In addition, he served on the advisory boards of many world peace and interfaith organizations. For more information, please visit: swamisatchidananda.org and integralyoga.org