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The Woodstock Guru

The Untold Story, the Inspiration and the Legacy of the Woodstock Music Festival

100 pages
Integral Yoga Publications

When Swami Satchidananda first arrived in the West in 1966, Yoga was largely unknown here. There were no classes at the local YMCA. Health food stores contained only bottles of vitamin supplements and photos of body builders. Few understood the meaning of karma. When most people thought of a yogi, they remembered a popular cartoon man sleeping on a bed of nails. All this changed when Swami Satchidananda arrived in the West. The distinctive teachings that he brought with him integrated to physical discipline of Yoga, the spiritual philosophy of India, and the interfaith ideals that he pioneered. Those techniques and concepts influenced the generation and spawned a Yoga culture that is flourishing today. This book, illustrated with the artwork of pop artist icon Peter Max, tells the untold story of the Woodstock Guru's journey to Woodstock, the inspiration and legacy of Woodstock, and the Yoga movement it inspired. Includes: Wonderful stories of Swami Satchidananda's participation in Woodstock; stories from those who were there; Swami Satchidananda's reflections on the festival; inspiring quotes from Swami Satchidananda; many of Peter Max's drawings (black & white) throughout the book.

“The image of Swami Satchidananda at Woodstock will always be a symbol of the moment when a battery of unconventional baby boomers turned eastward―and inward―in such large numbers that the process became irreversible.” ―Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda

"He wasn't the first Yoga master to come to America but, with his opening words at Woodstock and by establishing Integral Yoga International, he helped modern Yoga take firm roots here.” ―Peter Max, pop artist icon.

Author Bio
Sri Swami Satchidananda was one of the first Yoga masters to bring the classical Yoga tradition to the West. He was invited to America in 1966 by the iconic pop artist Peter Max and in 1969 opened the Woodstock Festival, becoming known as "the Woodstock Guru." His distinctive teachings blend six branches of classical Yoga, the spiritual philosophy of Vedanta (nonduality), and the interfaith ideals he pioneered. These concepts and practices influenced a generation and a spawned Yoga culture that is flourishing today. The organizations founded on his teachings, Integral Yoga International and Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, are leading centers for Yoga teacher certification. Integral Yoga is the foundation for Dr. Dean Ornish's landmark work in reversing heart disease and Dr. Michael Lerner's noted Commonweal Cancer Help program. He is the author of many books on Yoga and is the subject of the documentary, Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda.