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Leaders or Leaderfulness?

Lessons From High Achieving Communities

22 pages
Kettering Foundation Press
This research report suggests the need to rethink conventional notions of leadership and makes the case for “leaderfulness”, a characteristic of high-achieving communities. These communities have the ability to change and adapt when faced with new challenges. Equating leadership with initiative, the report discusses the necessity for communities themselves to change when faced with problems that can’t be solved unless initiatives come from every sector.
Author Bio
David Mathews is a husband, father, grandfather, gardener, and a member of the Clarke County Historical Society. Although a nonpartisan independent, he served as a Cabinet officer in the Ford administration (Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare). He is a former president of the University of Alabama, where he taught history. Now president of a research organization, the Kettering Foundation, he writes books like Politics for People, which has been translated into eight languages. He doesn’t sail or ski and has no musical talents, but his dog loves him.