What's Normal?
Narratives of Mental and Emotional Disorders
Carol Donley Sheryl Buckley
384 pages
The Kent State University Press
What's Normal?, examines the issues of "abnormalities" in mental health, intelligence, and sexual behavior.The first section of What's Normal? presents a wide-ranging collection of essays and articles written by renowned clinicians who address clinical, ethical, and social issues related to mental illness and disorders. The second section uses fiction, poetry, and drama to portray mental and behavioral abnormalities, sometimes from "inside" the perspective of the deviant and sometimes from the experiences of family, friends, and other engaged observers. Excerpts that examine the treatment of mental health, intelligence, and sexual conduct are cited from such literary works as Equus, Of Mice and Men, Like Water for Chocolate, and Sula.
The Literature and Medicine Series is extended to encourage those working or living with others outside the norms to be more inclusive and understanding. What's Normal? is an insightful and valuable addition to this series.