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God is For Us

52 readings from Romans

Simon C Ponsonby

480 pages
SPCK Group
Simon Ponsonby presents 52 weekly chapters focused around the book of Romans, bringing Paul's greatest letter to life. Blending careful theological and historical detail with illuminating application, this work is somewhat more substantial than most devotionals. No other New Testament epistle has such scope and depth: Touching on every major theological theme, Romans is intellectually and theologically massive. This remarkable epistle has had a huge impact on the Church over the Centuries: Augustine of Hippo, the great architect of Western theology, was converted while reading Romans. Martin Luther's encounter with the text led to a personal revival and the European Reformation. and Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones refused to teach on Romans for decades until he had grappled with and understood chapter 6. This passionate, illuminating devotional will prove to be a potent means of grace and growth.
Author Bio
Simon Ponsonby is an international author, speaker and theologian basedat St Aldate's Oxford, where he leads a School of Theology. He is author of several books.