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Straight to the Heart of Galatians to Colossians

60 bite-sized insights

Phil Moore

272 pages
SPCK Group

The apostle Paul wasn’t a superhero. He just had God on the inside. In these letters to the churches which he planted, he tells us the secrets of his fruitful ministry. He shows us that the Gospel means that we can have God on the inside too. He doesn’t tell us to admire his fruitfulness. He tells us how we can become like him.
God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

Author Bio

Phil Moore leads a thriving multivenue church in London, UK. He also serves as a translocal Bible Teacher within the Newfrontiers family of churches. After graduating from Cambridge University inHistory in 1995, Phil spent time on the mission field and then time in the business world. After four years of working twice through the Bible in the original languages, he has now delivered an accessible series of devotional commentaries that convey timeless truths in a fresh and contemporary manner.

More details at www.philmoorebooks.com