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Gagging Jesus

Things Jesus said we wish He hadn't

Phil Moore

128 pages
SPCK Group
Jesus of Nazareth wasn't afraid to tell it like it is. Those who claim to follow him, on the other hand, often are. It's easy to settle for a tamed and domesticated Jesus. A bound-and-gagged Jesus. A Jesus of our own making. That's why this book focuses on the fifteen most outrageous things Jesus said: the fifteen things you are least likely to hear preached about in church. If you ever suspected that Jesus wasn't crucified for acting like a polite vicar in a pair of socks and sandals, then this book is for you. Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to discover the real Jesus in all his outrageous, ungagged glory.
Author Bio

Phil Moore leads a thriving multivenue church in London, UK. He also serves as a translocal Bible Teacher within the Newfrontiers family of churches. After graduating from Cambridge University inHistory in 1995, Phil spent time on the mission field and then time in the business world. After four years of working twice through the Bible in the original languages, he has now delivered an accessible series of devotional commentaries that convey timeless truths in a fresh and contemporary manner.

More details at www.philmoorebooks.com