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Stumbling Blocks

Conquering the stuff that holds you back

Anne Calver Gavin Calver

160 pages
SPCK Group
Getting through the tough stuff. You see a friend suffer. Leaders and churches let you down. Your prayers fall flat. Maybe your dad died. How do you have faith through these things? Gavin and Anne have faced their own challenges. They struggled to conceive - and then their second child needed thirteen blood transfusions. Every day their work brings them into contact with hurting young people. They don't have all the answers, but they demonstrate that it is possible to meet the questions head-on and go on growing. 'Gavin and Anne have chosen to make living for Jesus the most important thing in their lives. This honest book is born out of experience and shaped by encounters with people who struggle. If you want a quick-fix consumer faith don't bother to read it. But if you are seeking genuine answers, this book is a real find.' - Ian Coffey, Director of Leadership Training, Moorlands College 'Gavin and Anne have emerged stronger, more compassionate and more focussed as they have allowed their faith to be tested. Their insights and wisdom are set out in this readable and honest book, which we thoroughly recommend to you: get it, read it and live it!' - John and Anne Coles, National Directors, New Wine 'What I love most about Gav and Anne is their integrity.' - Rachel Gardner, Romance Academy
Author Bio

Gavin is the director of mission for the Evangelical Alliance, helping to mobilise mission across England. He is passionate about seeing the local Church fulfil its calling to take the gospel of Jesus into every community. A theology graduate, ordained evangelist and regular public speaker, he loves adventure and is a passionate AFC Wimbledon supporter.

Heis the author of Game Changers, Disappointed With Jesus?, Stumbling Blocks, Lazy, Antisocial and Selfish?, and On the Front Line.