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Evangelicalism in Britain 1935-1995

A Personal Sketch

Oliver Barclay

224 pages
SPCK Group

I offered Christ to them'.
Thus John Wesley described his message. His words focus on the heart of evangelicalism as a living, active movement, centred on Christ.
Oliver Barclay offers a first-hand account of some momentous years of British evangelicalism. This is the work of an active participant, providing a unique perspective on a period that has shaped the church and determined its future. Here are revealing insights into the contributions of such major figures as D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Douglas Johnson, John Stott, William Still, J. I. Packer, Billy Graham, Francis Schaeffer, Hans Rookmaaker and Donald MacKay.
This broad-brush assessment also illuminates a variety of significant movements such as the Evangelical Alliance, Keswick, the Student Christian Movement, the Oxford Group/MRA, the Fellowship of the Kingdom, the new churches, TEAR Fund, and the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (formerly the Inter-Varsity Fellowship).
Dr Barclay's testimony provides timely insights into the nature of evangelicalism, both as a movement and a confessional stance uniquely rooted in classical Christianity.