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Hands-on Nativity Craft Book

Christina Goodings Adrian Barclay

24 pages
SPCK Group

The ten activities in this book can be put together to make your very own Nativity scene.

Crafts include: creating a background scene, the stable, the star, a range of characters and animals, baby Jesus in the manger, the wise men's gifts, and angels!

Not only do these crafts help you make a stable scene, some of the crafts can also be used to make stand-alone decorations and cards! There are also tips included to help make costumes for children's plays - find out how to make a wise man's crown, or a shepherd outfit!

Ideal for 4s to 7s.

Author Bio
Christina Goodings is the author of several Lion Children's books; including: The Lion Easy Read Bible, Easter: Fun Things to Make and Do, Christmas: Fun Things to Make and Do, and Who is Jesus?