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Saint Jenni : Chilling Out

96 pages
SPCK Group

The continuing story of Jenni, the irrepressible little girl who wants to be a saint, inspired by her current favourite book My Big Book of Saints.

This time she decides to perform some brave deeds like St George and other saintly heroes. Jenni can't find a dragon to slay, but there are always the playground bullies. . . She also has to face up to her fear of swimming, and discovers that bravery can be expressed in different ways. Despite her good intentions all does not go as planned.

These entertaining stories have underlying themes of family values and encourage positive behaviour and relationships.

Author Bio
Meg Harper lives in Warwickshire with her husband and four children and two dogs. She is author of the highly acclaimed My Mum series, and last year featured in a number of newspaper articles. She enjoys country walks and will be taking part in the BBC Radio 4 programme Rambling with Muriel Gray this autumn