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Bouncing Forwards

Notes on Resilience, Courage and Change

256 pages
SPCK Group

'Nobody is immune from the storms of life. Patrick's book is a lifeboat while the waves are crashing but it is much more than that: Bouncing Forwards is a guide that helps us to navigate through tricky waters so that we become better equipped for the journey of life. It's an honest, wise and practical handbook for growing in resilience. I can't recommend it highly enough.'

Bouncing Forwards offers hope to those who're facing battles such as mental or physical health challenges, bereavement, the loss of cherished dreams or recovery from trauma.

Patrick Regan reveals his vulnerability as he shares that making peace with his own ongoing anxiety only came after a period of intense physical, emotional and spiritual pain.

There is always the temptation to wait for the day when all will be well. Yet becoming preoccupied with the future may well mean missing out on what's happening in our lives in the here and now. Is it possible to be OK even when life isn't? Can we thrive, not just once we've come through adversity, but right there in the midst of it?

Exploring resilience, acceptance and emotional agility, Patrick encourages us to believe we can find meaning in some of life's toughest moments - and the faith to journey on.

Author Bio
Patrick Regan OBE is the CEO of Kintsugi Hope, and the founder and president of urban youth work charity XLP. He is the author of several books and a regular host on TBN.