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Free To Be Yourself, Second Edition

Enjoy Your True Nature In Christ

96 pages
SPCK Group

Many Christians end up acting as they think a Christian should act - and finding that they simply can't keep it up. They either drop out or burn out.

True fruitfulness comes from realising that we became someone completely new the moment we became Christians. Living out the truth of who we now are makes all the difference. The 'eternal life' that Jesus came to give us is not just something we get when we die. It's a whole different quality of life right now, a life which gives us perfect acceptance, phenomenal significance and complete security. Know the truth and choose to believe it and you can be the person you were made to be.

Author Bio
Steve Goss is Executive Director of Freedom in Christ Ministries International and Freedom in Christ Ministries UK. He presents the FIC course. He has a background in marketing. He is married to Zoe and they have two daughters.