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The Way of the Carmelites

A Prayer Journey Through Lent

James McCaffrey

108 pages
SPCK Group

Useful and beautiful.' Sara Maitland, author of A Book of Silence

For Carmelites, prayer is friendship with God in a silent communion of love. By fixing our eyes on the vulnerability of Jesus and on his unrequited love for us, we are transformed. For a life permeated by closeness to him, contemplation becomes the source of action.

This beautifully written book, replete with reflections on the Bible, is a spiritual companion and guide for Lent – and the rest of the year – that will introduce readers to the riches of the Carmelite tradition. It also includes questions at the end of each chapter that enable us to follow the profound and practical way of the Carmelites.

Author Bio

James McCaffrey OCD is Director of Teresian Press and Editor of
Mount Carmel: A Review of the Spiritual Life. He has a doctorate in
Scripture from the Biblical Institute, Rome, The House with Many
Rooms: The Temple Theme of Jn. 14.2–3, and is an experienced
speaker on Carmelite spirituality and Scripture. He is the author
of numerous publications, including A Biblical Prayer Journey in
the Holy Land, The Carmelite Charism: Exploring the Biblical Roots,
Captive Flames: A Biblical Reading of the Carmelite Saints, Prayer
– The Heart of the Gospels and Infinite Horizons: Scripture through
Carmelite Eyes.