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Models for Youth Ministry

Learning From The Life Of Christ

Steve Griffiths

144 pages
SPCK Group
This book explores models for youth ministry from the life and ministry of Christ. This area of study has become fossilised because youth workers rely too heavily on the notion of 'incarnational' or 'relational' youth ministry. This leads them to believe that they must spend huge amounts of time with young people in order to 'earn the right' to share the gospel with them. The author argues that this foundation for youth ministry is inadequate and impractical and that it is not how Jesus himself operated. He proposes a broader Christology as a foundation for youth ministry today. Each chapter includes study questions for individuals or groups.
Author Bio
Reverend Dr Steve Griffiths is Rector of the Linton Team Ministry, Cambridge. He has specialised in youth ministry throughout his ministerial career and was Director of the Centre for Youth Ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge from 2005 to 2009. He writes a regular column, 'Saints and Martyrs', for Youthwork Magazine. He was Chair of the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry from 2001 to 2009 and was a founding editor of the International Journal of Youth and Theology. He has provided extensive training for youth workers and is a regular speaker at conferences. He is also the author of God in the Valley: A Journey Through Grief (BRF, 2003; reissued 2010), Redeem the Time (Christian Focus, 2001) and a number of academic and popular articles on youth work.