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How to Make Great Appointments in the Church

Calling, Competence And Chemistry

Claire Pedrick

160 pages
SPCK Group
This book is designed to provide practical help to those involved in filling a vacancy, showing how to make it a good process and end with a good appointment. At the same time, it is useful to clergy seeking appointments, and senior clergy actually making the appointments.
Author Bio
Claire Pedrick is Managing Partner of 3D Coaching who bring together the simplest and best learning from coaching to support people in organisations including the church to have more effective conversations with an edge. They work across the Church of England and the Church in Wales. 3D also develop internal and external coaches through training, masterclasses and mentoring. Claire has been coaching for 30 years, is a Master Certified Coach (ICF) and a Coaching Supervisor (Bath Consulting Group) and coaches leaders. Her career started in vocational discernment and she combines the vocational and professional in all she does. She believes that the essence of coaching is simple and that it takes time to learn to work that simply. She is a leader in the under 5s group at her local Anglican Church.