The Courage to Connect
Becoming All We Can Be
Rosemary Lain-Priestley
144 pages
SPCK Group
God can act in and through you in a way that God cannot act in and through anyone else.' - From Chapter 5.To live deliberately rather than by accident requires great honesty. It means looking human experience fully in the face without glossing over the difficult bits. It means realizing that while God is not unconcerned with the intimate detail of our lives, we are expected to use our God-given gifts to get on with the day-to-day stuff like grown ups.Only by living deliberately will we fully explore who and what we really are.Drawing on her own experience and the stories of other individuals and communities, Rosemary Lain-Priestly vividly communicates in this stirring, often witty, book, the importance of honesty, freedom and the courage to 'be real'.
Author Bio
THE REVD ROSEMARY LAIN-PRIESTLEY is Dean of Women's Ministry for the Two Cities Area in the Diocese of London. She broadcasts regularly on BBC Radio 4's 'Thought for the Day', and was until recently on the staff of St Martin's in the Fields, Trafalgar Square.