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Understanding Children, Understanding God

Ronni Lamont

176 pages
SPCK Group
A practical book that outlines (at a lay level) current thinking on child development and spirituality, and brings them together to propose effective ways to work with children in the church. The book engages with the ideas of Godly Play, an approach developed by Jerome Berryman in the US and gaining ground and enthusiasts among those involved in faith development here, and puts them into a UK context. The grounding in theory and the case histories fromthe author's own work fill out a rounded picture.
Author Bio
Ronni Lamont is Incumbent of St John the Evangelist Church in Bexley. She recently completed an MA in Pastoral Theology through the Cambridge Theological federation. She is a major contributor to the assemblies website. Prior to training for ministry she taught Science and was Head of Year at a Nottingham Comprehensive school.