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Alcohol in America

What Can We Do about Excessive Drinking?

Maura Casey

16 pages
Kettering Foundation Press

What Can We Do about Excessive Drinking?
Alcohol is a legal beverage, but its misuse hurts people, costs our nation billions of dollars, and makes the public less safe. The question remains: What can we do about excessive alcohol use?"

This issue guide presents three options for deliberation:

Protect Others from Danger

Society should do what it takes to protect itself from the negative consequences of drinking behavior.

Help People with Alcohol Problems

We need to help people reduce their drinking.

Change Society's Relationship with Alcohol

This option says that solutions must address the societal attitudes and environments that make heavy drinking widely accepted.

Author Bio
Maura Casey became an associate of the Kettering Foundation in 2013
after a 30-year journalism career writing and editing opinion. A native of
Buffalo, New York, Casey was a member of the editorial board of four
newspapers, including the New York Times. During her career she won 40
regional and national journalism awards. She shared a Pulitzer Prize with
the staff of the Lawrence (Massachusetts) Eagle-Tribune; as a member of
the Hartford Courant editorial board she and her colleagues won the
national Sigma Delta Chi award for editorial writing for editorials written
in response to the Newtown tragedy in 2012.
Casey has a BA in political science, magna cum laude, from Buffalo State
College, and an MA in journalism and public affairs from American